exceptions4c-pthreads 0.1
Multithreading exception handling for C
No Matches


This library allows you to safely and concurrently use exceptions4c on multithreaded programs that are based on POSIX threads.

Getting Started

Adding This Extension to Your Project

This library consists of two files:

To use it in your project, include the header file in your source code files.

Thread-safe extension for exceptions4c.

And then link your program against the library code.

Remember to also link your program against exceptions4c and pthreads libraries.


All you have to do is call e4c_set_context_supplier with the exception context supplier provided by this library so each thread will get its own exception context.

#include <pthread.h>
const struct e4c_exception_type OOPS = {NULL, "Oops"};
/* A Thread that throws an exception */
static void *my_thread(void *arg) {
THROW(OOPS, "Oh no");
int main(void) {
/* Set the thread-safe exception context supplier */
/* Start the thread */
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, my_thread, NULL);
pthread_join(thread, NULL);
/* The program was not terminated, only the thread was canceled */

In the event of an uncaught exception, instead of terminating the program, only the current thread will be canceled.

Read the docs for more information about exceptions4c usage.

Additional Info


This library should compile in any modern C compiler.


This library adheres to Semantic Versioning. All notable changes for each version are documented in a change log.

Head over to GitHub for the latest release.

Latest Release

Source Code

The source code is available on GitHub.

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